Friday, December 6, 2019

Phoenix by S.F. Said: Book Review

This is a book about loss and love, friendship and finding where you belong. Phoenix follows the story of Lucky, a young boy who wakes up one day with mysterious powers. As Lucky flees through the galaxies, pursued by the mysterious shadow guards, he tries to find some reason as to why he has this mysterious power. Who is he? Why does he exist? Phoenix is a wonderful book, a must-read and I always keep it at the top of my book-hoard in case I need a good read. It has wonderful illustrations and it really keeps you turning the pages!
Read Phoenix if you like:
~ Space (alternate galaxies)
~ Boys with mysterious powers
~ Twists and turns
~ Friendship
~ And awesome butt-kicking female aliens

Recommended to people age 12+ because it is quite a big book and does contain a bit of swearing.

Rating: 10 - Great story with relatable characters and well-constructed settings.

A small selection of my current book-hoard and some of the books I will be reviewing in the future.